Submitting a new collaboration on the Russian war against Ukraine

As part of my current project, I’ve just submitted a draft of a new piece called The Intimate and Everyday Geopolitics of the Russian War Against Ukraine. It’s a Forum collection for Geopolitics, and at this point I’m very pleased with it.

Writing about the war during the war has not been easy. I gathered four co-authors for the project, two from Ukraine and two from Russia – though this is not at all meant to establish some kind of moral equivalence. On the contrary, we’re aiming for diverse perspectives from people who have been touched by this war, who are intimately and topologically connected to it. We want to ground geopolitics by exploring intimate perspectives, micro moments, and everyday life. It’s been a methodological challenge, as there’s bombs falling. I can’t count the number of times that our zoom meetings with Kyiv have been cut off by a power outage, or delayed because my friend and co-author is in a bomb shelter.

Anyway, there will be more details soon. So far I’m putting everything I have into this paper. We all are. We can’t stop any of this madness but we can bring a little visibility to it, perhaps. I just hope the editor(s) see what we’re trying to do, and help us do it better.

More updates when we get feedback, and hopefully I’ll have good news to share about publication soon.