Postcolonial Ukraine and Russia’s Imperial Ambition. Open lecture at University of Zurich

Postcolonial Ukraine and Russia’s Imperial Ambition. Open lecture at University of Zurich

It’s not easy to talk about the war, as it implicates my family – deeply – in a variety of dimensions. But I was grateful that Benedikt Korf (Political Geography, UZH) invited me to talk to his bachelor students about this. It turned into an open lecture and a full house, which was very nice to see, despite the circumstances. It was an honor, truly. And it felt good to be able to speak about it in a professional sense, to try and make sense of this horror at something of a remove.

So – this is a 40 minute lecture and I know that’s quite a bit longer than your average TikTok. But I think it’s important and I hope you enjoy it all the same. And, much more importantly, I hope that soon we can look back at this war from the vantage point of a free, democratic, and prosperous Ukraine, and lectures like this will seem quaint and historical.

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